Vincent R. Paquet graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Université de Sherbrooke. He joined the Desjardins Bolduc law firm as a criminal attorney after completing his internship there. He focuses on criminal and penal law and handles cases related to impaired driving, narcotics, crimes against persons and the Highway Safety Code.
He represents clients in all judicial districts of Quebec. He handles cases on appeal both before the Superior Court of Quebec and the Court of Appeal of Quebec.
Known for his advocacy skills, he received the Maurice-Delorme Award for excellence in mock trials, earning him the opportunity to represent the Université de Sherbrooke at the Charles-Rousseau moot court competition. He was also the recipient of the Yvon-Blais bursary for his advocacy skills. Since entering the profession, he has been involved in mentoring as part of a moot court competition in criminal law at the college level.
Dedicated to his clients’ cause, Vincent R. Paquet is committed to supporting them with the utmost professionalism throughout the legal process. He is supported by a team of experienced attorneys, whom he works with tirelessly to defend the interests of his clients.
(Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke)
(Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke)
Appel et recours extraordinaires, JurisClasseur Québec, coll. « Droit pénal », Preuve et procédure pénales, fasc. 14, Montréal, Éditions LexisNexis, 2019 (with Tristan Desjardins)
Les enjeux reliés aux procès en matière de crimes de nature sexuelle, Symposium de l’Association des avocats de la défense de Montréal-Laval-Longueuil, 7 novembre 2019 (avec Marc-Antoine Carette)
Les enjeux liés à la représentation d’une entreprise en matière criminelle, Colloque de l’Association des avocats et avocates de province, 28 septembre 2019
Les pouvoirs policiers et les 25 meilleures décisions pour la défense en 2018-2019, Colloque de l’Association québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense, 8 février 2019 (avec Hugo d’Astous, Philipe Knerr, Maxime Raymond et Charles Shearson)
La légalisation du cannabis : un survol des enjeux pour les juristes, Journée de formation de l’ABC-Québec, 30 octobre 2018 (avec Charles B. Côté)